Compatibility On Facebook v1.0.3 Apk App
Requirements: 2.2+
Overview: (FULL) Version for compatibility on facebook

 Do you believe in statistics?
 Do you believe in logic?
 or are you just curious and want real life rewards for being curious?

 If you answered yes to any of the above then you should try out this app.

 If you get the message "the page you requested was not found" it is because you do not have the official Facebook appinstalled.

 The compatibility on facebook app uses top of the line Comparison Algorithm, logic, and the facebook graph API to scan through your entire Facebook profile using the balanced comparison algorithm to compare the "about" section-containing a lot of nitty gritty information,likes each user has ever liked,music,movies,books, events ever attended, groups part of.
 The comparison logic has been tweaked and modified several times and should truly represent your logical compatibility.
 Obviously the more detailed your own profile is, the better accuracy.
 Wall posts were not included because this app is not meant for showing the user who they interact with the most, rather it will show you how compatible your friends really are. This should open your eyes as to which friends are worth getting to know more about.

 Facebook Developer rules were followed and none of your information is saved or transferred to anywhere. The only thing saved is data for achievements.
 This app has achievements built in using Kiip. So you also get instant real life rewards/discounts every time you unlock an achievement.

 Achievements obtained range from "posting to your wall about who you compared with" to "posting the the #1 ranked person after comparing with all your friends at once".

 If you choose to use this app to determine your love compatibility then by all means go ahead, statistics does help, but how can one really determine love?

 NOTE: The instant rewards will should activate within 5 days of release, so it should activate before 15th Sept 2012.

 ★Price discounted to $0.99 from $2.99 for the first 1,000 downloads! Thats about 66% discount.
 ★Ability to compare with specific group of friends at a time and determine the most compatible person.

 ★Ability to compare with ALL your friends at once and they get ordered and ranked .

 ★Ability to compare a selected friend with specific group of your own friends .

 ★Almost everything is animated with real-time update on progress and person being compared, so you don't get bored waiting. The animations do not waste valuable time and are only present when background work is being processed.

 App programmed by Jesse Aboh, designed by Rumate Razi, and Promoted by Jason Aboh

 Released by -Market Militia-
Download Instructions:

Diposkan oleh--> Waw 13 Sep 2012

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